who we are
Mi nobis minima aliquet aspernatur repellat, justo voluptate eget tempor dictumst, doloremque modi blandit, massa. Voluptas numquam euismod, morbiq ullam.
Laoreet nisi consectetur, integer, posuere eaque, morbi delectus qui inceptos, quisquam, interdum, habitasse commodi mollitia illum, tincidunt nullam quis etiam ultricies, habitasse, ornare facilisis, nec sagittis. Maecenas officia autem torquent.
Autem! Eros ornare iste quae diamlorem faucibus purus, nunc harum, cumque class incididunt cupiditate elementum.
As with all site based activities we advise long sleeved Hi-VIS shirts and long pants.
Two (2) pieces of ID.
A USI (Unique Student Identifier number) use this link to create one Create USI Number.
HRWL (High Risk Work License) applicants will also need to provide two (2) passport photos.
Please ensure all contact details supplied are current and correct.
Upon successful completion of your training you will receive an interim certificate on the day: this is valid for 60 days. Your card should arrive in the mail within 21 working days and sooner for Nationally recognised Training Courses.
Yes – all courses are the latest and most up to date nationally recognised training programs.
Assessments are conducted at various plant/equipment depots: as per your requirements and use of these sites is included in the course fee quotation.
Follow this link: Create USI Number
The student must be 18 years or older to be legally allowed to participate in training courses.